Friday 4 July 2014

So i have been here about a week so far and I thought I would write a quick post about how it has gone so far.

It felt strange sitting in departures without anyone else there, especually as just a week and a half earlier I had been sat in the exact same departure lounge with Karin about to go to Prague. After the initial strangeness wore off it was fine though, the flight was good, changed over in istanbul and it was really interesting to see the city and all the boats nearby all heading towards the narrow channel through to the mediterainian.

I ended up arriving in Kigali half an hour late so by the time we got back to muhnga where I am staying it was 1:30 in the morning!

The first day was a bit of a getting to know the children's home, the staff and some of the children. In the afternoon I sat in on a preschool. The weekend was pretty lonely as I didn't really know anyone by that point, but as this week has gone on I have got to know people alot better. On Monday I was observing another class, than there was a national holiday on the Tuesday. I have been in the preschool since than helping out with the lessons. It has been difficult as I am not used to interacting with such young kids, but has been good fun.

Meal times are fun, I eat with all the children for lunch and dinner, which can be a very loud experience! The food is good, pretty much the same most meal times but good food.

The evenings have got some getting used to. All the children are in bed by 8 and I usuraly go back to my room not long after. With only very basic internet function on my kindle I have ended up using the time to read and to chat to God about things. It has been really good, and often challenging, having this time with almost no distractions as it has forced me to listen to and really think about what he is saying and what I am going to do about it.

There are a few things I would really appreciate prayer for!

1. Language barrier - I know enough Kinyarwanda to ask someones name, how old they are thankyou etc but is hard getting to know people with only these phrases!

2. Learning names - particularly with the kids, I have learnt about half there names but would be great to learn all there names, particularly to avoid confusion about things!

3. That I can be helpful with the work I am doing in the preschool


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're doing awesome work out there, Chris! :) Hope you continue settling in okay and good luck teaching those noisy kids! :P All the best, from Alex
