Friday 11 July 2014

Just over 2 weeks has passed since I arrived here and I feel that I am getting a bit more into the swing of things now.

I am helping out at the preschool week days, with one class in the morning and one class in the afternoon. It has been hard work but really good. The teacher will start the lesson with some songs and than get them to do some exercises on the board. Whilst this is going on I write an exercise for them to do in there books. After they have finished the work on the board they go and do the exercise in there books and I wonder round helping where I can. The rest of the time is taken up with reading to them, playing and going to visit the animals.

There are 4 voulanteers including my self staying here now, one person from Rwanda, someone from Germany (we watched the world cup semi-final together and he was very happy!) and someone from the USA. It has meant that evenings are less lonely now, with people to talk to, or even just company for each other whilst we read.

The main thing which has got slightly annoying is the electricity, or lack of it. It seems to turn off several times a day for several hours at a time. Most of the time it is fine as it is bright enough not to need lights at day and we have solar powered lamps for the evening, but gets frustrating when trying to Skype people back home!

The more time I spend here and get to know the children the more I realise how amazing this place is and what an impact it is making on the children's lives. Being told some of the stories about how the kids ended up here was heartbreaking, but it is increadible to see how they have been loved and taken care of so much here that they are happy, noisy, cheerful children (even if a bit grumpy just before dinner!). You wouldn't be able to guess there background if you met them.

It seems like such a great image of what the Bible says relationship with God is like. When we enter a relationship with him we are battered and bruised and dirty, but he loves and cares for us so that all the past rubbish is washed away and we become part of his family.

And that is exactly what he calls the church to do as well, to love people, no matter what there back ground, where they are coming from or where they are at, but to simply love them! And we have the hope that Jesus' love for people will bubble up in the church so we are moved to dismantle the unjust systems in the world, speak up for those who have no voice and love everyone who comes across our paths.

I have learnt in the 2 weeks since being here that even when we think there is nothing we can really offer, that there is huge value in simply loving someone. Use all the skills and talents you have in loving people, but when you end up in a situation where there is nothing practically you can do, just love them.

Hope you are all having good weeks!


1 comment:

  1. glad to see you are still as passionate about justice Chris
